Tuesday, June 17, 2008

XIAN in 2008

I landed in Xian for a two good reasons; 1st reason: the train stopped there. From Xian by bus back to Chengdu, seemed the most direct way to steal a look at China in a short time and conservative budget.

2nd, most important reason: because my friend Judy who visits Hong-Kong every couple of years to eat Chinese food and stock up on cultured pearls said she would give an arm and a leg to see the Terracotta Warriors…

On approaching the Xian train station I felt the tempo increase, and was I ever thankful for Kim and Louis, whose first stop on their way to Beijing was also Xian.

In the enormous area outside the train stations, two walls came into view: the ancient 14km-long rectangular wall that bounds the city center, and a second more intimidating wall of people; man, women, young, old, walking, standing or sitting on the ground, everybody talking at the same time…

Newly arrived passengers seemed quickly targeted by a variety of men offering assorted services; I was still trying to sort out the scene when with his uncanny aplomb, Louis chose an eagerly pleasant young man named Peter to guide us to the Ludao Youth Hostel.

I liked the Ludao. Train and bus stations were only 5 minutes away. Along with a pleasant restaurant-bar, internet, luggage storage, book exchange, tours-plane-train-bus tickets, Chinese massage or free information by English speaking staff, it offered everything a traveler needs.

I liked Xi-an. Even in the twenty first century, through steady street traffic and soaring city noise, Xi-an exuded ancient history, it echoed Marco Polo’s China…

Yet apart from the Terracotta Warrior I did not feel particularly interested in historic or religious sites. I wanted to walk the streets… stand on a corner merely watching people get on and off the bus… or trees…

Or take 5...

Text and Photos Coyright©2008 M.Della Marina



Piú giú, in fondo alla Tuscolana...
!?...passavo per un saluto!

dejablue said...

I will be in Xian in a few weeks from now with my wife and son. Can you tell me how much, how safe and how convienient is the luggage storage at the Xian train station? Are there storage facillities at the station? Thanks

Della said...

Hi dejablue,

So sorry I cannot answer your query

I travel only with carry-with-me luggage,

Xian's train station is very busy with long mile-long line-ups. (as all train/bus stations in China are)

Though they are there, English- speaking agents are often not easy to locate.

However, outside the station, the English-speaking men approaching foreign travellers have information to local Youth-Hostels/Guest Houses.

Youth-Hostels offer free luggage storage if youbook in for a night or two.

If I can find it I will send the name of the hostel we stayed in,

It was clean, cheap and not far from the station.

Good luck and have a good journey
