Friday, December 01, 2006

Nothing is my Name

I wake up with an apprehensive feeling after a night’s sleep haunted by uneasy dreaming. Always swimming against the tide, puffing against the wind, I should be stepping among the Christmas-shopping crowd, proud of my short-shorn hair when fashion calls for long… Shamelessly filling time solving crosswords puzzles when I should be focusing on some personal blogging nonsense …

Yes I procrastinate, I would leave behind the insecurities generated by the demands of western-style society: balance my bank account, fill out my income tax returns, wear the latest fashion clothes, drive a newer car, revere, regard and copy those who stand on papier-mache pedestals higher than my own.

Ok, go… go… I want to be… be… something Not made of flesh, something without ego… without intelligence… I want to be the real me, the nothing insignificant me, one grain of sand in the desert of the universe… without birthdate, without name, status, sex, religion…

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