Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Blissful Past

Days, months, years pass, eternities evolve, often amazed, surprised, (not always super-pleased) I realize I am still here… It’s a long road… An ambiguous yet not entirely unpleasant road, though why I’m traveling and where it leads I believe I shall never know… Ok… I say to myself… Go… Go, no need for concern or look back, except… when out of dream-like fog emerge phantoms of the past…

And so, Ananda, I’m catapulted back in the 60’s, traveling to India seeking spiritual revelations, in pursuit of the antidote for the excesses of my youth…

I follow the yoga trail and sounds of Ravi Sankar’s sitar in quest of the bearded guru who will teach me transcendental meditation to nirvana… It’s all there, in the spiritual mist of India, but foiled by my mundane illusions I never attain that flash of inner light… It’s only a mystical mirage…

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