Friday, May 26, 2006

Da Vinci ... more...

©2006-Dallas Mariner

What's the fuss, what’s the fuss, The Da Vinci Code revival, Take the myths away and what’s left is what? Jesus’ father was an astronaut?

A heavenly baby from an earthly-virgin-channel comes, And from the planet Kripton we have Superman.

And so what’s new and where do we go from here, The Olympian Gods of old, fathered many a birth, Take His Royal Rascal, King Zeus, Transmuted into an angelic swan, Leda he seduced.

From the newly discovered Gospel of Judas, rises a willing Jesus, Eager to fulfill in death, the prophesy - his mission - Messiah!

Trinitarian son of Heaven, one third God, One third Holy Spirit, and what’s left is human.

With such attributes endowed, what’s the problem? To make His way to France and simultaneously ascend to heaven?

Knowing death in any case, is only a temporary state, Rebirth, Resurrection, Reincarnation, Or waking from Joseph of Arimathea’s anesthetic potion.

And so what’s the fuss? Father begets a son, and son begets his own, generations follow in the eccentric bloodline for kings and queens to claim their Right divine.

It would seem it all evolved as planned, except Some maintain the real Messiah is still to come, Others deem Jesus will come again. More each day believe celestial astronauts are here, disguised, but well,

Either way they should not tarry to make their presence known. And be they neither kings nor gods, Greedy and ignorant, rulers and religion made one living hell of this earthly paradise!

Let there be females among these interplanetary diplomats, No meek virgins please, But philosophical amazons to matrix our future earth-kin!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.