Monday, October 05, 2015

Humanitarian Hypocrisy

Ok! What's I have to say would not suit my Facebook friends, for them a picture would suffice, but I have words on my mind today. Last night on TV I saw the film LORD OF WAR (Nicholas Cage always gets my attention). The subject of gun-running delivering surplus weapons to ((surely) arms-induced conflicts in remote corners of our battered world, sent a powerful message. Arms manufactureres and arms-manufacturing nations quietly supply weapons to both side of conflicts followed by land invasions and air strikes to combact 'rebel forces' who would not exist without their weapons. Of course pollution, destruction, death and refugee crises are morally appeased by appeals to aid and humanitarian efforts. One neat package with the blessing of religious groups, the UN and the stock market...

Futile Emotions

A restless night. Waking  up in an agressive mood I reviewed my feelings, why do I want to resume blogging  ? I left blogging to dedicate myself to Facebook, then discovered that out of one hundred friends, less than ten interest me, I suspect at least 90 out of 100  of my so-called 'friends' have little interest in what I have to say as well. What can I say ?  "Look here my friends, I don't care about your cats and dogs, pictures and recepies of favourite foods or one more Oscar Wilde quote...

Sunday, October 04, 2015

What day is it today ? No doubt just another day except for sudden urge to revive this blog. What a surprise at seeing old posts still here, as if time stood still. It feels good. I will come again tomorrow !