A life's journey is the adventure of a hitchhiker on a road with many vehicles: family, frienship, love, anger, light, gloom. The landscape is constantly at the junction of fact, fantasy and fiction. Rides are divine, or absurd, the stopovers familiar or exotic, encounters controversial, philosophical, passionate, erotic. Growing older the adventure becomes a rollercoaster!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Saddam Hussein - the goldsmith -
Monday, February 06, 2006
Dear God
Knowledge of you lodged in my earliest memories, your omnipresence asserted at dawn as the Matin, at nightfall as a bed time prayer, through the day via images of your only legitimate son Jesus bleeding and nailed to a cross on the kindergarten walls.
Present in most conversations you were, indeed you are: "Oh... my God, God almighty, Thanks to God... God bless or bless you God... Vaias con Dios for the love of God..." Present before and after meals, when church bells tolled or pealed, in glory or blasphemy you were, indeed you are, always here.
No need to tell you I was a curious child, You being omniscient and all, knowing what makes every clock tick, every flower bloom, how atoms split, why tidal flows are regulated by the moon. No need to jog your memory that in spite of you remaining, indeed retaining your Sacred Invisibility, I contemplated meeting you.
Many town folk were forced to worship you, fearing hell, fire and brimstone Your vengeful nature would strike with when breaching sacred Laws, laws that you, wise but contentious Commander in Chief Who Art in Heaven, imposed on us down here on Earth, yet the good and the bad folk alike , put their trust in your humble Savior-Son Jesus and his Virgin Mother Mary.
Yes God the Father, we feared you, indeed we do, because though molded in Your very own matrix, we are "imperfect seconds" in this cluttered Homo-Sapiens's factory, we break your rules, we confess, we pray... Break the rules... Repent, confess, repeat and pray... The devil makes us do it...
I was not afraid of You, as You know, my mommy was unmarried when she birthed me, I grew up preoccupied by the sound of crickets in grassy fields and too busy watching fireflies to be concerned with the meaning of paternity, I was not plagued by a daddy I never had, nor by You, omniparous Omnipotence.
I was not concerned with Thee, being so small among so many VIP's You would not have noticed me, You, abiding somewhere up in heaven and I but a tiny dot down here on earth's last station, furthermore you being incessantly engaged by those experienced in securing your high-ranking consideration.
People like the Pope in